Wednesday 1 October 2014

Snipe in the morning sun

A couple of weeks ago, with the help of another group of HSBC volunteers, we cleared a large island of vegetation in the Millennium Wetlands, including cutting a few narrow channels through the reed beds which will hopefully prove good for Bitterns when they return. The reeds around the edge of the island were cut down to stubble, and this morning, two Snipe were feeding around, and using it as cover. A nice start to the first day of October!

The rest of the day was spent cutting trees down in front of the Heron hide which were partially blocking the view of the lake. Again, once the water levels are increased towards the winter, the small flooded channels should provide good Bittern habitat.

The only other wildlife excitement of the day was a Painted Lady on the centre path. When its wings were folded it was amazingly well camouflaged against the ground, and I needed to get down on my hands and knees just to located it. It seems like its been a poor year for the species in Britain. This was actually my first of the year!

Painted Lady

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