Tuesday 7 October 2014

Cow herding

I came in early this morning hoping to catch the end of the high tide, however it had already fallen quite a way and there were limited waders on the marsh. I recorded just 27 Black-tailed Godwit, ten Redshank and six Greenshank. A nice surprise in with 15 Lapwing was a juvenile male Ruff, the first for a few weeks now.

After lunch, we added the trees that we cut down the other day into a habitat hedge that we've been creating since the start of my placement. It will provide a place of shelter for wintering insects as well as hopefully hibernating mammals.

I know it doesn't look much in this photo, but its a good 15m long and 3m wide in some parts.
In the afternoon we had to herd the cows into the NRA area to ensure that they're away and safe from the high tides of 8m over the next few days. After a bit of stick waving, shouting, and enticing with a food bag, we locked all 33 of them into the area. They won't be here for much longer as the farmer will be taking them away for winter, so now's the time for a Cattle Egret!

While we were out on the marsh, I was able to add a flyover Spotted Redshank and a flushed Snipe to the bird list for the day.

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