Thursday 16 October 2014


These three species were showing nicely together on the Lagoon this morning, however wader numbers in general were very limited due to the low high tide.

Redshank, Spotted Redshank and Greenshank

Later on in the day I had the rare opportunity of watching a fox hunting. It weaved through the long sedge and willow herb of the Western Scrapes until it was completely hidden. It then jumped up and pounced at something. I couldn't see if it was carrying anything in its mouth as it walked away, so not sure if it was successful.

Over the last couple of days we've been clearing juncus around the NRA scrapes to give a larger area for the Wigeon to graze when their numbers build up for the winter. I had a quick stomp over the area first, hoping to chuck up a few Snipe, however none were found.

Yesterday I saw my first Redwings of the Autumn. A flock of 13 flying over the Millennium Wetlands.

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