Friday 24 October 2014

Gower Holiday

I'm spending a long weekend on the Gower with my family at the moment, and it got off to a good start bird wise with a Siberian Chiffchaff just outside the holiday home! Nice pale underparts (especially the vent area) without any yellows or greens, quite a strong supercilium, browny grey upperparts, and black beak and legs. It even called for me.

Siberian Chiffchaff
I watched it for about five minutes before going back inside to get my camera to grab a few shots, none of which came out that good, but this ones the best. I didn't have much time either as my family were sat in the car waiting for me!

We went off to the Port Eynon on the coast where we found some amazing scenery...

On the roof tops of the village I found two female type Black Redstarts. Nice to see back!

Black Redstart
In the afternoon we went for a walk along a huge beach at Oxwich and up along the clifftops, from which there was a large raft of c.190 Common Scoter.

The flock with Devon in the background.
Can't pick out any velvets!
So, a good start!

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