Sunday 26 October 2014

Port Eynon Seawatch

I had a seawatch this morning at Port Eynon, however, relying on my family for transport meant we arrived a 11:00 just as the wind was dieing down. I saw some nice birds though, with a Great Northern Diver close in being the best. Also seen were c.20 Mediterranean Gulls, two Sandwich Terns, a male Eider sat on the sea, eight Common Scoter, a distant skua sp. (pom/arctic) which was only on view for 10 seconds before landing on the sea, c.70 Kittiwake, c.80 Guillemots and c.20 Common Gulls.

Also nice to see were a minimum of eight Harbour Porpoise close in in the bay.

Harbour Porpoise
Great Northern Diver

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