Saturday 20 September 2014

Marsh Harrier

A Marsh Harrier with green wing tags has been around the area for a while, but I hadn't been lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to see it. This all changed this morning however, when just after I arrived at Machynys Point to check for migrants, all nearby waders took to the air. A scan of the salt marsh quickly revealed the culprit - the Marsh Harrier.

Marsh Harrier
I moved on to the reserve, with the only migrants seen being a handful of Chiffchaff, three Wheatear on the beach and a Lesser Whitethroat on the point.

There weren't many waders on the scrapes, mainly due to it being low tide, but also perhaps because of the presence of a Peregrine.

The Little Stint was on the NRA Scrapes, and eight Curlew Sandpiper were on the Western Scrapes along with one Spotted Redshank and c.200 Knot.

Spotted Redshank
Little Stint
Then the Marsh Harrier reappeared giving at times fairly close views as it flew back and forth over the salt marsh. It was last seen flying east when it was lost to view.

Marsh Harrier

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