Wednesday 17 September 2014

Little Stint

Nia and I found a Little Stint this morning, the first of the Autumn. It was always quite distant (and I didn't have my scope!) and kept hiding behind vegetation, so I was actually quite lucky to get a shot at all!

Little Stint (left), Dunlin (right)
I had found three Spotted Redshank and eight Curlew Sandpiper yesterday while doing counts, and these were still present today. Three Ruff (2m & 1f) were also present, including two new arrivals. Other counts included 807 Black-tailed Godwit, one Bar-tailed Godwit, 133 Knot, 268 Redshank, 68 Greenshank, one Common Sandpiper, 53 Dunlin, 47 Pintail, 135 Wigeon, 84 Teal and 22 Shovler.

Spotted Redshanks

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