Thursday 28 August 2014

First passerine migrants

Walking through the Millennium Wetlands revealed a few of the first passerine migrants of the Autumn. One area seemed particularly good for Spotted Flycatchers. Six were together making characteristic flights out to catch insects and returning to the same perch.

Spotted Flycatcher
10+ Chiffchaff were also in the area with a single Willow Warbler. The highlight however was a Garden Warbler which gave good views for the short time I was watching it.

Garden Warbler
A low tide visit to the lagoon meant that there weren't many waders. In fact there was only one, but that one was a Ruff which gave exceptionally close views as it swam up to the observatory before flying off in the direction of the scrapes.

Cycling back home along the coast path saw two Stonechat, and a quick check of Delta Lake revealed that the Little Gull was still present.

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