Friday 29 August 2014


Over high tide this morning, the Black-tailed Godwit were roosting on the lagoon. I made a quick count of 479 before they moved off to the scrapes were no doubt they joined another couple of hundred. Amongst them were two Knot and a colour ringed godwit.

Colour ringed Black-tailed Godwit
On the pools in front of the British Steel Hide were two female type Garganey. Also present were eight newly arrived Wigeon, 102 Teal, 48 Shovler, 44 Gadwall, four Dunlin, 86+ Redshank, 35+ Greenshank and 20 Lapwing. A Peregrine was also resting on a grass bank on the far side of the scrapes.

View from the British Steel Hide looking out at the Western Scrapes with the Loughor Estuary and Gower Peninsular in the background.
A late Swift was seen later in the day.

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