Saturday 25 April 2015

More Migrants

Last Sunday I had a text to say that there was a Little Ringed Plover on the Deep Water Lake. At first I decided I would wait until Monday morning to see it, but then quickly changed my mind as Little Ringed Plover hasn't been seen at the reserve for a few years. I'm glad I made that decision because on Monday it was nowhere to be seen!

Also present was my first Common Sandpiper of the year for patch.
Either one, two or three male Garganey were present on Monday, all seen at different locations so hard to know just how many there were. A summer plumaged Spotted Redshank was in front of the British Steel hide on Tuesday which was really nice to see.

New birds for the year seen during mid week were 30+ Whimbrel, a few singing Lesser Whitethroats, Whitethoats and a Swift. Two male Ruff were on the NRA fields on Wednesday and another had joined them on Friday.

On Thursday morning before work, I had a couple of hours look at the estuary in the hope of seeing two Little Terns which were there the previous day, but I ended up missing them by a few minutes which was annoying. There were however some rather lovely looking Bar-tailed Godwits along the shoreline, and the bushes were alive with the sound of singing Whitethoats and Lesser Whitethoats.

Bar-tailed Godwit
Today I spent the morning at Machynys point, but the only birds of note were two Sandwich Terns, a Gannet and three House Martins, plus more Lesser Whitethoats.


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