Tuesday 3 February 2015

First Bonaparte's Gull for Carmarthenshire!

The tide had already fallen a long way out by the time I got into work, so I wasn't expecting much from the bird count. I counted the Lapwing, Godwits and Wigeon, and then decided to have another scan through the Lapwing. A lone gull was sitting in the middle of them which I hadn't noticed while first counting. Black beak, pink legs - Bonaparte's Gull!!! A proper mega for the area and a first for the county! I took a quick record shot and then looked through the scope hoping for it to flap it's wings so I could see its underwing. At the time I was shaking and had to keep looking at it to convince my self that it was indeed a Bonaparte's! It's hard to judge time when you've found a rarity, but after what felt like five or ten minutes, it took flight heading straight over the hide and high to the north over some pylons. I got good views of the underwing to confirm the identification and put the news straight out. Hopefully it will return, but I'm somewhat doubtful.

Bonaparte's Gull


  1. That will give your PWC score a nice 12 point boost! Great find and can't help feeling you will have a few more big scorers this year. Good luck!

    1. Thanks Barry - it was very exciting! I do hope so. Good luck for your patch as well.
