Sunday 12 April 2015


It really feels like spring has arrived this week. I saw my first Swallows on Monday along with the first Willow Warblers. On Tuesday there was an overnight arrival of Blackcap with eight singing on site along with the same numbers of Willow Warblers. During my breeding bird survey, I counted 20 singing Chiffchaff around the Millennium Wetlands.

A number of new butterflies were also out, with my first Orange-tips, Commas, Speckled Woods and Green-veined Whites.

At least ten Mediterranean Gulls have been around over the last two weeks, so it seems like its not a question of whether they'll breed again, but how many. Most have been adults, but there have also been some third year birds.

Yesterday I walked along the coast path to Machynys point where I found my first Wheatear of the year flitting around on the rocky shore. A look out over the estuary revealed my first Sandwich Tern fishing, while over the golf course were c.100 Sand Martins and two Swallows. In the bushes there were eight Willow Warbler, four Chiffchaff and three Blackcap.

On a quick visit to North Dock Lake, a migrant Common Sandpiper flew up and headed down river.


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