Thursday 19 March 2015

Scandinavian Rock Pipits

On a post work visit to North Dock Lake last Friday, I found two littoralis Rock Pipits feeding with a couple of Pied Wagtails around the shore of the lake.

On these photos you can see the subtle tinges of blue coming through in the head, shoulders and scapulars. The underparts are relatively clean with no smudging. At times the bird appeared to show some pinky areas in the breast and around the neck, the latter of which you can see in the first photo. The legs were pinky orange and the outer tail feathers were a dull white.

The other bird, photographed bellow showed the same coloured tones in the plumage but had a slightly dirtier look to the underparts with bolder streaks. It also had a pale based to the bill and a few flecks of white above the eye - perhaps a stronger supercilium moulting through?

On Monday I heard my first singing Chiffchaff of the year, and this morning I was lucky enough to enjoy close views of some displaying Great Crested Grebes at Sandy Water Park, with four present in total.

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