Saturday 24 January 2015

GNDs and winter Whimbrel

A walk along the coast path to Pwll on a calm sunny day was surprisingly profitable for birds. I wader in a field by the water treatment works caught my eye - a Whimbrel! It seemed unbothered by passing dog walkers, and only flew when they got too close. Luckily it flew in and landed at about ten metres distance from me calling as it did so. Not the most well marked bird. The feathers are very worn and it only showed a weak crown stripe.

Off the estuary wall were, 13 Great Crested Grebe, 10 Red-breasted Merganser, a Little Grebe and three Great Northern Divers close in feeding on crabs. Nice to see this species at such close range.

1st winter Great Northern Diver
Two Chiffchaffs in the bushes by the side of the path were noteworthy, as was a female Goldeneye on the lake just to the east of Sandy Water Park and two Red Kites overhead.

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